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Dual output encoders

– complex can be so easy

Did you know that you can use a single encoder for incremental signal speed feedback into the drive system, and simultaneously get an absolute signal for feedback directly into the fieldbus interface of your choice? The dual outputs enable real-time data delivery into your motion control system, in accordance with your needs.

Compact design

The dual output solution saves space on the motor shaft or in the application, as there is need for only one encoder on the spot. Thereby, the mechanical installation takes up significantly less space, as less couplings and adapter components are needed. Furthermore, all encoder models from Leine Linde have a well thought out and compact design, which in itself saves space and makes them easy to install or retrofit. Always reduce maintenance hassle!

Reliable performance

Leine Linde encoders are known for their performance, enduring conditions like high temperatures, moisture, vibration and shock, as well as long working hours. Here are some of the series where dual output signals are available:

  • The well-tried 800 series has dual, galvanic isolated outputs for incremental signals as an option.
  • Equipped with very large ball-bearings the 900 series is made to serve a long life in operation, and the 1000 series stands up to even more extreme environments with its modular design and a high encapsulation level. These series provide options with dual outputs for both absolute and incremental signals.
  • The magnetic 2000 series has got an option with double scanning heads to provide the connected system with redundant signals when needed. Mounted directly on to the shaft without bearings, this encoder is close to indestructible. 


– 复杂可以变得十分简单



该双输出解决方案会节省电机轴或应用的空间,因为现场仅需一台编码器即可。因此,机械安装所需的空间大幅减少,同时所需的联轴器和转接器也减少了。另外,Leine Linde 所有型号的编码器都经过精心的考量,设计十分紧凑,能够节省空间,安装或更新十分便捷。减少维护困难!


Leine Linde 编码器因其性能和不同条件(例如高温、潮湿、振动、撞击和长时间运行)的适应性而闻名。以下是一些使用双输出信号的系列:

  • 经过多次试验的 800 系列拥有可选增量信号双重、电气隔离输出。
  • 配备大型球轴承的 900 系列拥有很长的使用寿命,凭借其模块式设计和高封装水平,1000 系列能够在更为极端的环境下工作。这些系列提供绝对信号和增量信号的双输出。
  • 磁性 2000 系列可配备双扫描头,当需要时,可通过冗余信号提供连接系统。它能直接安装在无轴承主轴上,该款编码器几乎无法破坏。

