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ADS Online 自诊断编码器系统

价格 ¥ 38900.0
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ADS Online

– step into Industry 4.0!

Predict maintenance needs of the encoder and get more control, more data. ADS Online is a condition monitoring solution, integrated in Leine Linde encoders, which simplifies the step into Industry 4.0.

With the advanced diagnostic system ADS Online, the encoder’s functions are expanded to encompass several sensors in one. The multi-sensor constantly reads off the levels for several environmental parameters in its surroundings, including vibration, shaft speed, frequency, temperature, and supply voltage.

The system conducts automatic analysis of each detected deviation in the encoder. Depending of the seriousness of the faults, the encoder warns for risk of failure due to harmful environmental conditions, and signals for when to check the installation and correct deficiencies. Making maintenance predictable!

Detailed logs for operational and environmental parameters are provided, and can be analysed by the included software or in the system of the users’ choice. This is how to build Industry 4.0 – from the level of components and upwards.

ADS Online

– 步入工业 4.0!

预测编码器的维护需求,并让您有更多的控制,获取更多的数据。ADS Online是一个状态监测解决方案,集成在 Leine Linde 编码器中,让您更轻松地步入工业 4.0。

凭借先进诊断系统( ADS Online),编码器的功能得到扩展,一个编码器可包含多个传感器。这款多传感器系统能不断读取其周围环境的多种环境参数水平,包括振动、轴速度、频率、温度和供电电压。


该系统会提供运行和环境参数的详细日志,可以通过内置软件或者用户选择的系统对其进行分析。这就是构建工业 4.0 的方式 - 从组件层次更向上一层。

