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ADS Uptime 自维护型编码器

价格 ¥ 17900.0
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ADS Uptime™

– more data for proactive maintenance.

Encoders with built-in ADS Uptime™ will enable monitoring the most relevant data from rotary installations and motors. ADS solutions will naturally simplify the move from preventive maintenance, to start practising proactive maintenance. 

Data from the encoder enables adjustments of factors that otherwise would reduce lifetime of the machine as a whole. When all the motor installations are correct, problems will be avoided, and production downtime is signficantly reduced. 

  • Get detailed data for status, frequency, time in motion, and more!
  • Vibration is measured in both radial and axial directions for unsurpassed control.
  • Set alarms for the values of your choice.

What does a stop in production cost? Today, you can receive early warnings before any serious fault in the production line occurs, thanks to encoder diagnostics. One single prevented production stop could pay back the cost of all the ADS encoders at the plant. 

ADS Uptime™ for Wireless Service Check-up

ADS Uptime™ is now available for wireless service check-up via Bluetooth. The wireless service check-up will facilitate maintenance, but also drive system management, production planning and operation. Perform the service check-ups on the go, via the app in a mobile device.

  • Analyse graphs to compare deviations or changes and react to the trends.
  • Get reports and be able to forestall potential problems.
  • Values are stored in the encoder and easily accessible at your fingertips.
  • Available in encoders in the 800 series.

ADS Uptime™

– 更多数据用于主动维护

具有内置 ADS Uptime™ 的编码器将能够监控来自旋转安装和马达的最重要数据。ADS 解决方案自然会简化从预防性维护到主动维护的转变。 


  • 获取状态、频率、运行时间等详细数据!
  • 在径向和轴向测量振动,以实现完全的控制。
  • 为您选择的值设置警报。

停止生产的成本是多少?现在,由于有了编码器诊断,您可以在生产线出现任何严重故障之前收到早期警告。一个一站式防止生产停止解决方案,可以偿付所有的 ADS 编码器在工厂停产导致的额外成本。

用于无线服务检查的 ADS Uptime™

ADS Uptime™ 现在可通过蓝牙进行无线服务检查。无线服务检查有助于维护,也有助于驱动系统管理、生产计划和操作。通过移动设备中的应用程序让您在旅途中就可以执行服务检查。

  • 分析图表,比较偏差或变化,并对趋势作出反应。
  • 获取报告,并能够预防潜在问题。
  • 值存储在编码器中,方便您随时访问。 
  • 800 系列编码器中提供。

